For persons with disabilities  
Margit Dulics, basket-maker

Margit Dulics, basket-maker, Folk Crafts Workshop Gallery
8960 Lenti, Mihályfai u. 55
06-92-352-311, 06-30-858-1562

She learnt basketwork in 1968 at the Fűzüzem in Lenti. Since 1983 she makes baskets, storage facilities and furniture from wicket as an entrepreneur. As a folk artist, she explores old forms and techniques in museums and by reusing them she work effectively with the realization of her individual ideas and with object renewing successfully. The greatest achievement of this is the Pomegranate Award Prize winned at the National Folk Art Exhibition. At her workshop she welcomes visitors at a pre-arranged appointment. She often holds craft presentations, educates in vocational training and in courses, and she is an active participant of the local and county community life.

Zala Megyei Népművészeti Egyesület
Zalaegerszeg, Gébárti-tó 0737/80. hrsz +36 92 312 744
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