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 Czibor Imre potter, Folk Craftsman, - Sártekerő Workshop
8394 Alsópáhok, Fő út 43

He became acquainted with pottery at Károly Goldmark's Cultural Center in Keszthely in 1995, under Simon Edit Folk Craftsman. The classroom offered the opportunity to learn the basics of wheeling as well as the various techniques. He then worked at István Barakonyi's Folk Workshop in Hévíz. He had the opportunity to practice wheelig and to get acquainted with various decorative techniques by the collegaues until he joined the interactive pottery training og Zala County Folk Art Foundation in Gébárt in 2000, where Tibor Csuti folk craftsmanwas his master. With his work he regularly participates in exhibitions and applications with good results. His workshop is one of the main spots of Alsópáhok since 2001. He mainly makes pots using the motifs of different regions.He decorates the pots using scratch-proof technique he especially likes the rascal motifs. His workshop is open to visitors, where different work processes and products of ceramic making can be viewed, and even the work with clay can be tried. Pre – registration is required.

Zala Megyei Népművészeti Egyesület
Zalaegerszeg, Gébárti-tó 0737/80. hrsz +36 92 312 744
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